Monthly Archives: April 2015

Hello Old Friend

This morning was simple.  I hit the gym, grocery shopped for the week, visited my parents, caught up on laundry and bad TV, then paid most of my bills for the upcoming month.  I was rocking this Sunday like a champ.  Then it occurred to me that I have a blog that people actually do read (a truly beautiful thing) which I have been neglecting.

Bad Ang!


My pride of my accomplishments for the day were suddenly replaced by guilt.  So now I am drinking wine, since alcohol postpones guilt until at least the morning.

So why have I been so absent?

The answer is simple:  laziness, excuses and anxiety over anything related with money and since the primary focus of this blog is chronicling my struggle with getting out of debt, I was avoiding this blog like the plague.  my-reaction-when-I-get-into-an-argument-with-women-homer-simpson-hide-in-bush-disappears

But I am back.

This year has already presented itself with triumphs and challenges when it comes to my finances.

The triumphs have been eating at home more, getting healthier, and I am FINALLY out of student loan debt!

The challenges are having any semblance of a social life, my husband, and a little bit of keeping up with the Joneses.  Oh, and we went to Maui in February, which we are still paying for (but boy was it fun).

I wish there was a day that goes by where I didn’t have my mind on my money and my money on mind (that is actually pretty catchy, I should write a rap song that incorporates that…).  But since the entry fee for entering the magical land of “ADULTHOOD” is a steep one, I can’t imagine that happening until dementia kicks in.

I just want to say thank you to all of you who read my blog on a regular basis.  I appreciate you and I am back!  I promise!


Sunday Quotes: Positive Vibes

Happy Sunday to you all!

My birthday is next month and it is always a time for me to reflect about where my life is vs. where I want my life to be.  One change I want to make is thinking more positive.  To stop worrying about what is or what isn’t and have faith that everything will work out the way that it is meant to be.  Positive thoughts attract positive results.

Being negative isn’t getting me anywhere.

Have a great rest of your Sunday (and Game of Thrones starts tonight…eeks)!
