Monthly Archives: June 2014

Sunday Quotes: Healthy Life

I am now officially entering my second week of the couch to 5K challenge and coming off of a slightly traumatic dressing room situation that occurred on Friday that left me hating the fact that I have let myself gain 20 extra pounds in the last couple of years.

I seriously need some sort of intervention on  I can't STOP making memes!
I seriously need some sort of intervention on I can’t STOP making memes!


With all of the above being stated, this week I need to get my sweat on and start to breakup with junk food and sugar (minus July 4th of course).  I am sure I will not handle the breakup well.  Junk food and sugar will move on swiftly and quickly, while I will be a wreck for awhile.


Here is some motivation to get me through this upcoming week (maybe it will help out some of you as well):


HealthyLivingInspirationSuccessimages (9)images (7)images (6)

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Hope this helps me and some of you have a healthier week!  Now off to the grocery store!

See you back here tomorrow for an all new blog in my #93daysofblogging challenge!


Date Night (Of The Old Married Couple Variety)

P and I went on our first date night in awhile.  We came up with…wait for it…dinner and a movie!  Super original, I know.  We had a $50.00 gift certificate to a local Italian joint and arrived at 5, but we didn’t make reservations and they were booked up until 8 (we may be in our 30s but we have the dining out habits of senior citizens).

We decided to forego eating past our bedtime and ventured to a Mexican place right next to the movie theater instead.  Meal was good, beer was better, and the conversation was always awesome (though I feel that P was offended when I told him that Jennifer Lawrence reminds me of a modern day version of Jennifer Grey).  Here are some pics from the dinner portion of our date:

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And we were able to catch the early show of X-Men:  Days of Future Past (it was awesome,  and the reason Jennifer Lawrence was brought up at dinner).


Home  before 10, our old married couple date night is complete!

Have a great night and I will see you back here tomorrow for an all new blog in my #93daysofblogging challenge this summer.







Fried Day!

It is Friday (a.k.a. my brain no want to thinky no mo’).

Despite my friedness on this Friday, I did want today’s blog to be a recommendation for any of you who have a little time to kill this weekend and have access to Netflix.  Watch:

Tiny_KeyArt-728x1024Tiny:  A Story About Living Small!

I initially put this on my instant queue a few weeks ago under the assumption that it was a documentary that I could relate to.  The name led me to believe that it was a documentary about the trials and tribulations of small chested women.  Women with A and B cups dealing with day-to-day life and the heartache of frequenting ladies’ nights at their local bars only to be rejected by men and have to ultimately pay for their own drinks.

I realized though, just a few minutes into this documentary, that Christopher Smith (the director and narrator of the film) was not a small chested woman at all, but in fact, a 30 year old man who decides to settle down, buy some land and build a teeny tiny house.  I won’t give away the rest of the documentary, or else why would you want to watch this flick?  Right?

This documentary really got me interested and slightly intrigued with the idea of living in a small house.  Picturing me and my husband, our dog and cat, mortgage-free in a 150 square foot space.  Living simply and having the entire outdoors as our living room.

Then I started thinking about the whole “toilet” situation.

More importantly the whole “what happens on the toilet” situation.

Most importantly the whole “what happens when my husband is using the toilet” situation.

Then the idea of sharing a 150 square foot space with my hubby lost all of its allure.

Ultimately, I DID really fall in love with the aspect of living more simply.  It has inspired me to start sorting through all of my clutter and “stuff” and stripping down my life to just the items I love and need.

Seriously, check out this documentary and let me know what you think.

See you tomorrow for an all new blog in my #93daysofblogging this summer challenge!

Just look at how excited this baby is about my challenge

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This baby “memes” business (c’mon, now that is an adorable joke),


Throwback Thursday: Toys!

It’s Thursday!  Which means Throwback Thursday.  A time to drudge up some memories from the past and share them with all the land by way of your favorite social media outlet.  I decided I would do a Throwback Thursday blog of some pics  of a few memorable toys of my childhood.  Enjoy!

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Did I miss any?  What were some of your favorite toys from your childhood?  Comment below and let me know!

See ya back here tomorrow for an all new blog in my #93daysofblogging challenge!


(P.S. I wonder whatever happened to my Rainbow Brite….)

Cheers to you!

Yesterday was just a typical Tuesday.  Went to work and did the typical Tuesday workload, then attended a very typical Tuesday pilates class then headed on home.  Once home though, something not so typical happened.  Hopped on my computer to check out the daily celebrity gossip...errrrr…I mean…world events and global politics that are super important for smart people (like myself) to be very knowledgeable in, and while taking a break from all of the “thinking/learning” I was doing, I checked my blog stats.

Finally I am getting to the point and the “not so typical Tuesday” part of this story:


500 may not seem like a huge number, but it is to me.  It means 500 of you took the time to read one of my blogs and like it (or love it) enough to click that little “follow” button to get more updates.  So this blog is just a huge thank you note to you.

So go grab a beverage and let me make a toast:

Just to be clear, this is not an actual picture of me. This woman has a tan and the wine glass has no smudges. The wine also is missing ice cubes and a straw (which is how I roll).

To my all of you that read this blog,  

You have taste that is impeccable,

a sense of humor that is respectable,




how do I finish this toast with a word that rhymes with “impeccable” and “respectable”?

Oh to hell with it!

Plan B Toast:

Here’s to those who wish me well,

and those who don’t can go to hell

Cheers to you!

Thanks again to all of you reading this.  You are the peanut to my butter!

Tune in tomorrow for an all new blog in my 93 days of blogging this summer!

Much love,



Three things I want this June 2014!

Definitely spent more of my weekend trolling on the internet than I would like to cop to.  In my trolling adventures I did find three things that I would love to have this month in my fantasy life!  Drum roll please (just make the sound in your head for dramatic effect):

1.  GoT Nerd Alert:  A bumper sticker that I would be proud to smack on my car’s ass!

Love me some Game Of Thrones but hate me some bumper stickers, however this sticker is just too fantastic NOT to tattoo your car with AND it is only $4.00 (and $2.00 in shipping).

2.  Veggie Lover Alert:  Spirooli!


Summer is here, which means farmers’ markets and fresh produce!  Have been obsessed with this since I caught it on an infomercial ($29.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond).

3.  Wino Alert:  The perfect summer chair!



This is definitely an item that I could only afford in my fantasy life BUT that is what this entire “three things” feature of my blog is about.  This chair is made of wine barrels and has a holder for your wine glass.  I can picture myself on my back deck during these upcoming summer nights enjoying a glass of chilled boxed wine in this chair.  Alas, it is way out of this gal’s price range ($329.00 for 1 chair, $599.00 for a set of 2).

Thanks for taking the time to stop on by and remember that there will be a new blog every day for the rest of the summer!




Couch to 5K…Oy Vey

Like many people (just take a trip to your local Walmart), I have let myself go when it comes to my body.  Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t kick me out of bed or anything, but I definitely would LOVE to lose 10-15 pounds and have a little less cushion for the pushin.

Last year I embarked on a couch to 5k challenge to ready myself for my first 5k race.  Once the race was over, I was over running.

A year later the scale is reminding me very much of Superman and my weight is going “up up and away”.

Time for a running redo.  Yesterday I started up the couch to 5K challenge again.  There are several ways to do it, but this is the particular schedule I am following:


 The two minute run felt like two hours but I got through it.  My calves were burning and my pride was hurting but as my Sunday quotes blog from yesterday stated “Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest”.  Amen to that!

Bonus:  Today was a rest day (though I did find time to walk during my lunch break and fit in a yoga class after work).

See you back tomorrow for an all new blog in my 93 days of blogging this summer!


Sunday Quotes

Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  What used to be a day reserved for nursing an awful hangover from a Saturday night filled with bad decisions is now a day for relaxation, reflection and recharging for the upcoming week.  Kind of dorky, but one of my Sunday morning rituals is to sit at my computer with a hot cup of tea and search the web for inspirational quotes (writing it out doesn’t make it seem as dorky as I originally thought).

Here are some of my current fave quotes that I hope will give me (and perhaps some of you) some positive perspective on this little thing called “life”:






Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and check back in tomorrow for an all new blog!


Three things I GOT this May 2014!

Normally on my monthly “three things” blog I mention three fantastic things I want (and normally would buy myself if I were not trying to get out of debt), but since May is home to my birthday I thought I would change it up and share with you all three things I got this May 2014:

1. A Seahawks Jersey…Finally!


P really does listen!  My hubby gave me a 12th man jersey (since I have always told him I don’t want a specific player’s jersey since I am not loyal to the players but loyal to the team).  He also personalized it with my last name on the back!  He got some serious “hubby points” that day!

2. A bouquet of the sweetest kind!


Not much of a flower girl, but I LOVE CHOCOLATE!  My mom and dad (though I have a feeling my mommy is the one that put it together…and yes a grown woman just called her mom “mommy”) gave me this bouquet!  Loved this and love them!

3.  A beautiful way to tell time!


Egads!  Holy hair and porous skin Batman!  Nevermind the close up pic, but this gal always needs more time, and the only way to get more time is in the form of a watch!  My in-laws gave me this fabulous Fossil watch (love me some Fossil)!  I just love being their favorite daughter-in-law (by default, but I will take it)!  Love them too!

I also got jewelry, gift cards, candy, an ice cream maker, a crazy cat lady purse, a journal, one-of-a-kind necklace, home decor, a travel organizer, cupcakes, and money from my parents and both of my grandmas (who I always tell them they don’t need to give me any money but they continue to do so anyway).


The best gift I got for my birthday was all of the phone calls and texts and happy birthday voice mails from all of my loved ones.  I am one lucky girl!

Be back tomorrow,


93 Days Of Blogging

My blog has been non-existent as of late (80% of life giving me one huge bitch slap and 20% simply not making the time to blog).  So this summer I pledge to have new content on my blog every single day this summer.  It’s a commitment, but I can do this.

Starting this Saturday June 21, marks the start of 93 blogs!  93…ugh, that is a lot…but, I already said I was going to do it, so giddyup!

I will mostly try to keep the content financial BUT 93 blogs is a lot.  I may have to resort to writing about my dog, my cat, taking a picture of what I had for dinner, posting inspirational Maya Angelou quotes, and ranting about various Bravo shows.  For any lackluster blogs I write, I do apologize in advance.

See ya back here Saturday and the 92 (gulp) days that follow!
