Oh Woe is Meme

A few Fridays ago sans any social plans, I stumbled upon this little website:


Big mistake.  Huge.

Fast forward to three hours after this discovery:

Me.  Hunched over my computer.  Sweaty.  Dehydrated with blood shot eyes.

I was in a very dark place in my life on a Friday night. If Guiness World Records had a record for most pathetic way to spend a Friday night,  I would take the cake. Yet knowing how pathetic I was, I still couldn’t stop making memes.  Some have been featured in my blogs in recent weeks, but here are a few that I created so you can see firsthand in what a bizarre state of mind I was in that ill fated Friday night…

See you tomorrow for a way less sad blog in my 93 days of blogging challenge this summer.



9 thoughts on “Oh Woe is Meme

  1. girl, i even had an app for creating memes… And was subscribed to 9gag… had to stop that madness at some point 🙂

  2. Hilarious! By the way, do I sound old if I admit that I totally read the “Big mistake. Huge.” line just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? 😉

  3. I am still laughing about this meme one day later: “I call it passive-agressive, you call it having a blog.” LOL. Just wanted to stop in and say I am enjoying your posts even when I don’t have time to respond. Plus, I too heard “Big mistake. Huge.” in Julia Roberts’ voice. Have a great weekend, everyone.

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