Tag Archives: fireworks

The Casino Hangover

908f7cbe83e513d709f96b040a7a4ac626989e5b203612536600f2f70c4841ecLast night we made the horrendous mistake of going to celebrate the Fourth of July at a casino.  Everyone lost their money, except for me.  I broke even in the eleventh hour.  One spin won me my $120.00 dollars back 5 minutes before the fireworks started…


However, I will say that one always suffers from a casino hangover once you lose your ass or if you break even.

My casino hangover was in full swing today!  Will definitely be avoiding the casino until my credit card debt is gone.  Though I lucked out last night, I fear that when it comes to gambling the house always wins.

f4f966850315441ac5c6f9f22badc9aa4e467139b479dd68d464c031405f5502Sorry this post is short, but still nursing a  a real hangover along with my casino hangover.

Have a fabulous night and see you for an all new post tomorrow!


This Freedom Friday Remember “Freedom Costs A Buck O’ Five”

On this Fourth of July I wish nothing but a happy holiday weekend to all my family, friends and to all of you reading this blog ( which is slightly redundant because most of the people reading this blog are my family and friends).

Enjoy some delicious barbeque, drink refreshing adult beverages (responsibly, of course), take a ton of pictures to capture the day-but for the love of God, please no “selfies”.

Me and Juju (my dog) started the day enjoying our freedom by going for a morning walk and defecating several times in the middle of the road (Juju, not me).  Ahhh, freedom!  Our evening plans include watching the fireworks at a casino with my parents, bro and sis-in-law.

I know, I know, the casino is a place I should definitely avoid but we are planning on bringing coolers and tailgating in the parking lot until the fireworks commence (maybe I will throw $20.00 in a machine and see what happens, it is Freedom Friday after all).

So on this July 4, I want to send you off with one of my favorite “freedom” songs, granted there really are not a whole lot of “freedom” songs to choose from.  The song is from “Team America”, which is one of my favorite  films featuring marionettes (again, not a lot of marionette films to choose from).

The song:  Freedom Isn’t Free.  It costs a buck o’ five

Enjoy, and catch me back here tomorrow for an all new blog in my #93daysofblogging challenge
